Until Death Do Us Part: 8 Reasons For Marital Failure Amongst African Americans By Dr. Umar Abdullah-Johnson, Psy.D., NCSP, M.Ed. Nationwide (November 6, 2011) -- Discussions about the epidemic are everywhere, from the latest best-selling novels to academic discussions on college campuses, to passionate discussions between Frat brothers & Sister circles. The question everyone wants answered is "WHY?" Unfortunately, many of the traditional reasons you have been given for the premature romantic meltdowns amongst Blacks are inaccurate and insufficient. These very same factors were present when successful Black marriages, created 30 or 40 years ago, were forged but yet many a couple managed to stay together. As a child therapist, who spends much of my time navigating the parental relationship in order to create an atmosphere of normalcy in which our children can function, and as a doctor of clinical psychology, who studies the emotional and psychological conditions that give rise to relationship difficulties that are unique to African-Americans, I have discovered that there are several themes running through failed families that if brought to your consciousness may help you escape a dead end relationship, or be able to help resuscitate a dying one back into new life. With nearly most Black children being reared in single parent households it shouldn't come as a surprise that the ADHD diagnosis has been on the rise, which in most cases has nothing to do with any neurologically-based brain dysfunction, but rather a family-based emotional dysfunction that I refer to sarcastically but truthfully as "Absence of Daddy from Home Disorder," which is the real ADHD. If we want to save the Black community, we have to save the Black family, for if the most essential of institutions is destroyed then almost no other can function effectively. 1) SEARCHING FOR SECURITY: UNMET EMOTIONAL NEEDS FROM CHILDHOOD - Because so many of us either come from families that were dysfunctional, or had relationships with parents that were dysfunctional, it's not difficult to understand how one's unconscious conflicts may lead you on a search to find what you never had (i.e., SECURE ATTACHMENT TO A CAREGIVER, ATTENTION, ACCEPTANCE, LOVE/INTIMACY, APPROVAL, TRUST, RECIPROCITY). Because one's relationship behavior, under such circumstances, is largely under the control of unconscious impulses it should come as no surprise to you that selfishness ranks at the top of the list of reasons for relationship dissatisfaction. When your dating or mating behavior is largely driven by an unmet childhood need, your partner simply becomes a means to an end, but NOT the end itself. Thusly, you end up using and exploiting them, for what they can give to you, without offering anything in return. You must become conscious of how your poor relationships with parents, or siblings, is continuing to play out in your romantic behavior, transforming you into an exploiter or victim of emotional exploitation. Before settling down, you'd being doing yourself a huge favor by having an in-depth discussion with your bride or groom to be, to ensure their reasons for marriage are not based upon attempting to overcome childhood insecurities that have plagued them for most of their lives. 2) SELF-HATRED: LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO LOVE YOU - Many people are their own worse enemy but are totally unconscious of this fact. When something goes wrong in your life do you chalk it up to a learning experience, or human error, or are you one of many Blacks who begins to replay old abusive audiotapes from memory, with your parents' voices (or older siblings) disguised as your own. Do you beat yourself up without mercy, or are you able to comfort yourself when you make mistakes. If your inner voice is that of an abusive and overly punitive parent, chances are you suffer from self-hatred, and it is this self-hatred that is driving you to find a mate who can put out your self-inflicted emotional arson with their cool waters of love and compassion. You can spend a significant portion of your life trying to find love until you come to the realization that you will not be able to reciprocate the love you find if you do not ALREADY love yourself. No matter how much another person loves you, until you love yourself, you will never be able to love them in return appropriately or effectively. In fact, they may choose to walk away from the arrangement after having their emotional forces sucked dry without reciprocity. You don't need a lover, you need a therapist. 3) MATERIALISM MELTDOWN: BUYING HAPPINESS - Needless to say that in a capitalistic society the corporate-owned media will actually be able to convince some African-Americans that marrying someone with economic potential, and the education to go along with it (i.e., MBA, JD, MD, PhD, PsyD, etc) may actually brainwash you into thinking that to find a person who appears able to help your purchase an upper middle class lifestyle may lead to lasting happiness. Nothing could be further from the truth. Listen to me carefully, "money buys pleasure, it can never buy happiness." In fact, the pleasures that money buy often lead to addictions that destroy relationships. This is not an invitation to a life of poverty often so well propagated by the religious sector, that many Blacks erroneously find poverty to be a blessings, but rather this is just a dosage of psychological realism that peace of mind cannot be purchased. Many Black marriages simply dissolve when one superficial partner is no longer content with the "financial ceiling" their partner has hit. A high maintenance partner, man or woman, spells disaster. These individuals are self-centered and emotionally distant. They never get the last laugh as sooner or later old age creeps upon them, and the wisdom of contentment begins to haunt them, but not before then with they give up their self-centered capitalistic mindset to begin the search for an intimacy and love that cannot be purchased with a credit card. 4) ESCAPING MISERY: LOOKING FOR A WAY OUT OF YOUR PAIN - Many of us look for relationships not to satisfy our unmet needs, or our economic desires, but rather as a life jacket to save us from dealing with personal challenges that we don't care to address. All of us have things about ourselves that cause us great discomfort (i.e, problems with relatives, health concerns, dietary issues, professional barriers, unfinished goals, problems on the job, unearned degrees, poor relations with our children, emotional concerns, etc), but yet we don't have the resolve or discipline to face them. Just as an alcoholic or drug user reaches for substances in times of inner pain and turmoil, you simply reach for a new relationship. As all drugs must ultimately reach a point of tolerance, where more is required to retain the desired effect, as soon as one relationship is no longer sufficient to distract us from our personal emotional issues, we discard it and reach for another. RELATIONSHIP ADDICTS, Blacks who cannot be without a romantic partner, is a very real and prevalent concern in our community. Being addicted to relationships is certain to land one in an ongoing, yet unfulfilling, cycle of relationships that are devoid of true reciprocity and intimacy. The problem with relationship addiction is that the relationship cannot save you from yourself, nor can it ever serve as an effective band-aid for your inner conflicts. It's better to fix yourself than destroy someone else's life. Anyone who cannot be alone long enough to develop a relationship with themselves can never build a happy one with another person. 5) POST-TRAUMATIC RELATIONSHIP DISORDER: THE GHOST OF RELATIONSHIPS PAST - In an attempt to acquire happiness, which cannot be obtained from any outside source, including people, many of us do not allow ourselves sufficient time to heal from long-term relationships, or short-term exhausting relationships, that have sapped our emotional, spiritual and psychological energies. Between relationships we all need a period of fasting, where we give our minds and souls the opportunity to heal and rest, before we attempt to "get it right the next time." We always hear talk about the need for dietary fasting and spiritual fasting, but now is the time for me to introduce the concept of relationship fasting. Yes, a period of NON-DATING, that should last at least a season (3 months) before you infect some innocent person's life with the negative energy of a past relationship. Just as with all traumas, you need time to re-stabilize your inner self and regain a sense of reality. When you don't give yourself TIME OFF from forging new romantic attachments you risk spoiling what otherwise would have been a perfectly good relationship with your psychic baggage from your previous love(s). You are not able to trust, love, commit, reciprocate and be emotionally available for fear that he or she may be a rendition of the previous failed partnership. If you are still afraid, that means you are still suffering the aftershocks of post-traumatic relationship disorder, and should not be dating. This is one of the biggest problems with relationships in our community, as too many of us are spiritually infected with the unhealthy energies of past encounters, not to mention still in love with previous partners, thusly wasting the time of an innocent person who has healthy relationship needs that you are not able to fulfill since you are still preoccupied with someone who is no longer in your life, or shouldn't be. You have to get over your past in order to get on with your life. There is a season for everything, including a time to heal. |
Sunday, February 5, 2012
8 Reasons For Marital Failure Amongst African Americans
Stella Obayuwana-a High ranking Edo woman in the U.S military.
Stella Obayuwana-a High ranking Edo woman in the U.S military.
Stella Obayuwana
I joined the military in 1996 shortly after immigtating to the US. I enlisted as an Undesignated Airman (which means I did not have any specific jobs and my duties where as assigned). From that very humble beginning, I studied night and day and passed the test to become an Aviation Electronics Technician. That was the beginning of my upward progression in the military. Soon after that, I became a Flight Line Supervisor for the launch and recovery of Navy MH-53 Helicopters and Corrosion Control Specialist. Following my first assignment in Sicily Italy, I attended the Aviation Electronics School in Pensacola, FL where I graduated top in class and was offered another school to specialise in the calibration of electronics test equipments. Upon completion of my schools, I was assigned to a Aviation Maintenance Command in San Diego, California, where I took the advancement test for the next rank and passed. I also applied to the Officer Candidtae School and was accepted. As an Oficer, I have risen to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, acted as a Division Officer, Department Head, attained two Masters Degree, and am currently seeking admission to obtain a Doctorate Degree. I have served onboard three ships, four shore and two overseas locations.
On a personal note, I recently gave birth to a precious little boy and recently completed a Mystery Romance novel, The Illusions of Truth, which I hope to publish this year.
I joined the military in 1996 shortly after immigtating to the US. I enlisted as an Undesignated Airman (which means I did not have any specific jobs and my duties where as assigned). From that very humble beginning, I studied night and day and passed the test to become an Aviation Electronics Technician. That was the beginning of my upward progression in the military. Soon after that, I became a Flight Line Supervisor for the launch and recovery of Navy MH-53 Helicopters and Corrosion Control Specialist. Following my first assignment in Sicily Italy, I attended the Aviation Electronics School in Pensacola, FL where I graduated top in class and was offered another school to specialise in the calibration of electronics test equipments. Upon completion of my schools, I was assigned to a Aviation Maintenance Command in San Diego, California, where I took the advancement test for the next rank and passed. I also applied to the Officer Candidtae School and was accepted. As an Oficer, I have risen to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, acted as a Division Officer, Department Head, attained two Masters Degree, and am currently seeking admission to obtain a Doctorate Degree. I have served onboard three ships, four shore and two overseas locations.
On a personal note, I recently gave birth to a precious little boy and recently completed a Mystery Romance novel, The Illusions of Truth, which I hope to publish this year.
Enahoro’s widow passes on after battling cancer
Enahoro’s widow passes on after battling cancer
Vanguard Online Edition, Lagos. January 28, 2012 · In News
BENIN CITY - Widow of the late frontline nationalist, Mrs Helen Enahoro, Saturday, passed on at the age of 79.
Vanguard learnt that the widow passed on in Lagos after a brief illness. It was learnt that Mrs Enahoro had a protracted battle with cancer.
The son, Eugene, confirmed the passage and gave a few words: “I am in a family meeting”. Enahoro, who moved the motion for the nation’s independence, died on December 15, 2010.
The widow’s death, which occurred 13 months after the late sage died, shocked the people of Edo State when the news filtered in that she gave up the ghost.
Vanguard Online Edition, Lagos. January 28, 2012 · In News
BENIN CITY - Widow of the late frontline nationalist, Mrs Helen Enahoro, Saturday, passed on at the age of 79.
Vanguard learnt that the widow passed on in Lagos after a brief illness. It was learnt that Mrs Enahoro had a protracted battle with cancer.
The son, Eugene, confirmed the passage and gave a few words: “I am in a family meeting”. Enahoro, who moved the motion for the nation’s independence, died on December 15, 2010.
The widow’s death, which occurred 13 months after the late sage died, shocked the people of Edo State when the news filtered in that she gave up the ghost.

I was at a UBS event on Friday, when an English woman said that the northerners were marginalized and poor... I retorted by asking whose fault was that? If my memory served me right, the northerners have ruled the country until the last decade. Why did they not develop their land? Why kill southerners who brought businesses and developed their land!!
Sanusi is an Islamic scholar borderline fundamentalist. Didn't Nigeria sustain itself on pure Agriculture (cash-crops) before oil was discovered? Did majority of that not come from the North. How can the North be poor when they still have this and can develop it.... Are the governors of the Northern states asleep? Or just as corrupt as their brothers and cousins in the South.
There is no excuse for BH. No excuse for exterminating the Christians or Southerners that live in the North. Those who have brought businesses there and tried as much... to develop the North. There is wealth in the various states and parts of Nigeria apart from oil... There is no excuse for the Poverty in the North and the Niger-Delta areas inter alia. I missed Mallam Sanusi's event at the LSE last week. Just as well. The Q&A session would have been uncomfortable and probably piss him off. The irony is that I admire his intellect and confidence and actually respect him but he does yank me in unpleasant parts sometimes.
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